The Aaxym Chronicles - Gemini Saga - Awakening

Awakening is the initial gateway and foundation for the planet of Aaxym. The story revolves around a young man, named Aleric...

Awakening is the initial gateway and foundation for the planet of Aaxym.  The story revolves around a young man, named Aleric, and his journey of adventure, heroism and self, from his small village to the far reaches of his world.  His life is disrupted by a corrupt king, driven by a darker entity that seeks to sway the balance of power in his favor.  He is quickly accompanied by Rayne, a female tigris soldier, that defies her allegiances to align her cause with his.  Together, they make their way north, to the Guardian of the Light, where the reality of their world starts to unfold.

   Empowered, and reinforced with others, they make their way south to put a stop to the corruption that continues to spread across the land.  With each passing day, the group encounters monsters, betrayal, and a variety of creatures that inhabit the world.  They learn of the Brahms and their Dragoons, tasked with protecting the order and balance of their planet. Aleric realizes he is one of them and will need to leverage their power and abilities, along with all of Aaxym’s strengths to overcome the darkness within.

   As time progresses, Aleric learns that the world is far larger and less forgiving than he could have imagined.  Even with his new found knowledge and the power of his team, he will be challenged with protecting those closest to him while trying to understand who he actually is.  But, in the end, all of his strength and will may not be enough to overcome a corrupt Guardian and the darkest parts of himself.  
