Sffpit Aftermath

So, now that SFFpit is over, i wanted to give a little synopsis of the experience and the end result of it all.

First off, using tweetdeck was magical. I wrote up all my tweets ahead of time, as seen in #SFFPit !! (calm before the storm) . I then, of course, posted them to my blog and, through the help of some wonderful followers, received some helpful feedback! (mostly grammar, but still, invaluable assistance when you only have 280 characters to strut your stuff!)

Most of the morning went by uneventful. I received a couple of likes from followers that don’t know the rules (emotions rose and fell very quickly upon those realizations 🙂 ), but then it came! A real like from an up and coming publisher: Fyre and Brimstone . Then, towards the end of the day, another like from a different publisher: Tirgearr Publishing!

I reached out to both “likers” and let them know that I would need a couple days to put together their submission requirements and then got to work. As of last night, around 2am, I have submitted to both! I’ll do a follow up post to talk about my submission experience directly to publishers versus agents, as it was uniquely different.

Bottom line: participate in any event you can. At the minimum, you gain some experience and at the maximum, you might get lucky!

Below are the “winning” tweets:

Liked by both publishers:

Corruption runs through all living things & a Guardian is no exception. But, where there is shadow, there is light. Aleric & his kind were created to be this balance and through fate, #Aaxym has called him to arms. But fate can be a double edged sword #SFFpit #FA #EF #FR #SNS

Liked by Fyre and Brimstone only:

Aleric is suddenly taken from his village by a corrupt empire. He learns that Onyx, one of Aaxym’s Guardians, seeks to disrupt the balance of power. Along with a small group, he navigates his world & uncovers the truth about himself & his species #SFFpit #FA #EF #FR #SNS #Aaxym