
So, I get my twitter account all setup and I see this #pitmad post. So a little digging in and I figure out that it’s this whole event around submissions! My head is reeling, “perfect timing!” Work becomes ancillary and the daily hum drum of life becomes a distant fuzz, as all that is running through my mind is my 3 available pitches…

First one was in draft mode right up until 8am…send. Back and forth, on and off, nothing. I see the tweets piling up against the hashtag, no big deal. Lunch comes around, my pairing partner having no idea that I could care less about the code at the moment. Boom, send again. Nothing…not even a retweet. Finally, the end of the day rolls around and i have a third (and best, in my opinion) pitch ready to go and I fire it off.

Now, in retrospect, I’m not sure what I really expected. I’ve messaged about 10 agents so far, with no positive results and the folks on #pitmad are really good at catching your attention. But, I think I did learn quite a bit from the experience…

  • My wife gave me some good ideas on how to target my pitches better
  • Putting media titles that capture an idea of your book (Lord of the Flies meets Harry Potter) seems to really work well
  • There is no magic solution to this except for time and a bit of luck
  • On the plus side, I found some really great writers to follow and gained some more knowledge going forward. I’ve decided to release my first chapter on Wattpad and get some feedback, so check it out!


If anyone else has some experiences to share against #pitmad, I’d love to hear them!